Disc Golf Tournament

This event has expired and is here for your reference.


Check in will be from 7:30am-9am, lunch from 12pm-1pm, and awards from 4:30pm-5pm (Joining us during any of these times would be great!)

Disc golf has been growing in popularity across our city, providing an excellent way for residents to stay active, enjoy the outdoors, and build a sense of community. We believe that a permanent disc golf course would be a valuable addition to our recreational facilities and provide numerous benefits, including:

Increased Physical Activity: Disc golf is an accessible sport that people of all ages and skill levels can enjoy, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Community Engagement: A permanent disc golf course could become a focal point for community events, tournaments, and social gatherings.

Tourism and Economic Impact: Disc golf courses often attract visitors from surrounding areas, which can boost local businesses and tourism.

Environmental Benefits: A well-designed course can promote environmental awareness and conservation efforts.

Please Contact Justin Bodily, Recreation Coordinator, for any additional information!

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